Structr.AspNetCore package contains number of classes (including tag-helpers) and extension methods to supply wide range of developer basic needs in different situations of web-development.

Big part of package consists of extensions for controllers, HttpContext, etc., allowing to avoid redundant code in widespread cases.


AspNetCore package is available on NuGet.

dotnet add package Structr.AspNetCore


There are different ways to configure Structr.AspNetCore services and most common of them is adding:


This will add all tools described in contents section below. But if you need only some of tools then these extension methods for IServiceCollection could be used:


  • Client - methods providing functionality for interacting with app's client-side;

  • Http - extension methods for http-related stuff such as HttpContext and HttpRequest;

  • JavaScript - provides IActionResults and extension methods related to JavaScript and client-side things;

  • Json - JSON-related controller extensions and actions results;

  • Mvc - methods for working with ViewEngine and other common MVC stuff;

  • Referrer - provides tools for working with HTTP referer and other related things;

  • Rewrite - extensions and IRule implementations related to modifying url;

  • Routing - extensions and classes for working with routing;

Last updated