
Money<T> is a base class to be used for operations which include counting money. Provides necessary tools for working with money-like variables.

Its using implies creating your own money class that specifies base simple type to store money value in. The usage examples are provided below.

Basic usage

First of all, some application-specific money class should be defined. Overriding of basic math operators is needed here because basic class didn't know about long type and thus about basic operations with it.

public class Money : Money<long>
    public Money(long val) : base(val) { }        
    public static Money operator +(Money money1, Money money2)
        return new Money(money1.Value + money2.Value);
    public static Money operator -(Money money1, Money money2)
        return new Money(money1.Value - money2.Value);

All other stuff such as comparison and equality is already defined in base class.

Money money = new MyMoney(10);
Money sameMoney = new MyMoney(10);
var isEqual = money == sameMoney; // ---> true

Money moreMoney = new MyMoney(15);
var isLess = money < moreMoney; // ---> true

// etc.

Money class allows to use currencies is also available:

public enum Currency
class Money : Money<long, Currency>
    public Money(long val, Currency currency) : base(val, currency) { }

All operations will be performed considering currency.

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