This contains methods and classes providing functionality for interacting with app's client-side and divided into two categories:
Client alerts
Classes and methods intended to help in communicating with client side by sending alerts and messages ti be displayed in UI
class itself represents an alert of specified type with message. This is a main class of alerts infrastructure.
It has two properties:
Property name
Property type
Type of alert. E.g. Success
, Warning
or Error
Message sending with alert.
allows to perform alert-related operations, provides methods for assisting in transferring alerts from server side to client.
Method name
Return type
Adds alert to be transferred to client.
Gets all alerts transferred to client.
Action result
- represents an alert to be send along with action result.
Extension method for IActionResult
Method name
Return type
Appends specified alert to IActionResult
Sample usage
Create IActionResult
Copy public static class ActionResultExtensions
public static IActionResult Info ( this IActionResult result , string message)
=> result .AddClientAlert( new JavaScriptAlert ( "info" , message));
public static IActionResult Success ( this IActionResult result , string message)
=> result .AddClientAlert( new JavaScriptAlert ( "success" , message));
public static IActionResult Warning ( this IActionResult result , string message)
=> result .AddClientAlert( new JavaScriptAlert ( "warning" , message));
public static IActionResult Error ( this IActionResult result , string message)
=> result .AddClientAlert( new JavaScriptAlert ( "error" , message));
Generate ClientAlert
in server side:
Copy public class UsersController : Controller
[ HttpPost ]
public async Task < IActionResult > Edit ( int id)
if ( ModelState . IsValid )
/* Some logic here */
return RedirectToAction( nameof (Index))
.Success( "Successfully edited." );
return View(editVm);
Handle alerts in TagHelper
Copy [ HtmlTargetElement ( "client-alerts" , TagStructure = TagStructure . NormalOrSelfClosing )]
public class ClientAlertsTagHelper : TagHelper
private readonly IClientAlertProvider _alertProvider;
public ClientAlertsTagHelper ( IClientAlertProvider alertProvider)
=> _alertProvider = alertProvider;
public override void Process ( TagHelperContext context , TagHelperOutput output)
IEnumerable < ClientAlert > alerts = _alertProvider .GetAllClientAlerts();
if ( alerts .Any() == false )
output .SuppressOutput();
output . TagName = "script" ;
output . Attributes .SetAttribute( "type" , "text/javascript" );
output . TagMode = TagMode . StartTagAndEndTag ;
output . Content .AppendHtml( ";(function(){" );
foreach ( var alert in alerts)
var type = alert . Type .ToString().ToLower();
var message = alert . Message .Replace( "'" , "\'" );
output . Content .AppendHtml( $"app.alert('{type}', '{message}');" );
output . Content .AppendHtml( "})();" );
Use ClientAlertsTagHelper
in _Layout.cshtml
to send ClientAlert
to client side:
Copy <! DOCTYPE html >
< html >
< head >
<!-- Some HTML here -->
< client-alerts />
</ body >
</ html >
Client options
This is a group of methods and classes assisting in passing data represented by dictionary via HttpContext.Items
It provides methods assisting in passing data represented by dictionary via HttpContext.Items
Method name
Return type
Places set of options with specified key into current HttpContext
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object>
Gets all options with specified key
stored in current HttpContext
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object>>
Gets all options stored in current HttpContext
Builds a key for options using routeData
and taking into account current area, controller and action methods. In such way all options will be related to their corresponding pages (urls).
Controller extensions
This controller extensions are helping in manipulating with options:
Method name
Return type
Adds client options to context associated with controller. There are different versions taking options as object with some public properties or options dictionary.
Sample usage
Generate ClientOption
in server side:
Copy public class UsersController
public async Task < IActionResult > Index ()
/* Some logic here */
this .AddClientOptions( new
urlEdit = Url .Action( nameof (Edit))
return View();
Handle alerts in TagHelper
Copy [ HtmlTargetElement ( "client-options" , TagStructure = TagStructure . NormalOrSelfClosing )]
public class ClientOptionsTagHelper : TagHelper
private readonly IClientOptionProvider _optionProvider;
public ClientOptionsTagHelper ( IClientOptionProvider optionProvider)
=> _optionProvider = optionProvider;
public override void Process ( TagHelperContext context , TagHelperOutput output)
var options = _optionProvider .GetAllClientOptions();
if ( options .Any() == false )
output .SuppressOutput();
output . TagName = "script" ;
output . Attributes .SetAttribute( "type" , "text/javascript" );
output . TagMode = TagMode . StartTagAndEndTag ;
var serializer = new JsonSerializer ()
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver ()
output . Content .AppendHtml( ";(function(){" );
foreach ( var option in options)
var key = option . Key ;
var keyOptions = JObject .FromObject( option . Value , serializer).ToString( Formatting . None );
output . Content .AppendHtml( $"app.options('{key}', {keyOptions});" );
output . Content .AppendHtml( "})();" );
Use ClientOptionsTagHelper
in _Layout.cshtml
to send ClientOption
to client side:
Copy <! DOCTYPE html >
< html >
< head >
<!-- Some HTML here -->
< client-options />
</ body >
</ html >