
Structr.Operations - is simple yet fully functional in-process messaging library, that allows you to easy implement CQS/CQRS.


Operations package is available on NuGet.

dotnet add package Structr.Operations


Basic setup is pretty simple and requires only adding registration of IOperationExecutor service to your DI-container:


AddOperations() extension method performs registration of executor service and operation handlers implementing IOperationHandler or inherited from OperationHandler and AsyncOperationHandler classes.

Parameter name


params Assembly[]

List of assemblies to search operation handlers.



Options to be used by operations handling service.

Additionally configure IOperationExecutor service by specifying it's type and lifetime used OperationServiceOptions.

Property name
Property type



Changes standard implementation of IOperationExecutor to specified one, default is typeof(OperationExecutor).



Specifies the lifetime of an IOperationExecutor service, default is Transient.


The basic usage is:

public class FooQuery : IOperation<int>
    public int Number1 { get; set; }
    public int Number2 { get; set; }
public class FooQueryHandler : AsyncOperationHandler<FooQuery, int>
    private readonly IStringWriter _writer;

    public FooQueryHandler(IStringWriter writer)
        => _writer = writer;

    public override async Task<int> HandleAsync(FooQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var sum = query.Number1 + query.Number2;
        var result = $"Handle FooQuery. Sum is `{sum}`";
        await _writer.WriteLineAsync(result);
        return sum;

The last step is to inject IOperationExecutor service and use it:

public class FooController : Controller
    private readonly IOperationExecutor _executor;

    public FooController(IOperationExecutor executor) 
        => _executor = executor;

    public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
        var myQuery = new FooQuery { Number1 = 3, Number2 = 4 };
        var result = await _executor.ExecuteAsync(myQuery); // This will give 7.

That's it! Simple use is really simple but there are more cool stuff which can be done with Structr.Operations such as: operations filtering and handlers decoration.


Structr.Operation uses term "operation" and corresponding interface IOperation to describe an object containing data needed to handle operation.

Depending on if your operation is intended to return some result or not, it should implement one of the following interfaces: IOperation<out TResult> or IOperation. For example processing of such operation (query) should return int value:

public class SumQuery : IOperation<int>
    public int Number1 { get; set; }
    public int Number2 { get; set; }

And no value for such operation (command):

public class DropAllDataBaseCommand : IOperation
    public bool AreYouSure { get; set; }

Operation handlers

Operations performing happens in OperationHandlers - separate classes that are inherited from one of the following base classes:

  • AsyncOperationHandler<TOperation, TResult> - async and value-returning handler;

  • AsyncOperationHandler<TOperation> - async and nothing-returning handler;

  • OperationHandler<TOperation, TResult> - synchronic and value-returning handler;

  • OperationHandler<TOperation> - synchronic and nothing-returning handler;

The example for simple command and it's handler is:

public class EditUserCommand : ICommand
    public int UserId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
public class EditUserCommandHandler : AsyncOperationHandler<EditUserCommand>
        private readonly DataContext _dataContext;

        public EditUserCommandHandler(IStringWriter dataContext)
            => _dataContext = dataContext;

        public override async Task HandleAsync(EditUserCommand operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            /* Some database work here. */

Thou you could implement IOperationHandler interface directly but it will create more handwork for you when writing additional return VoidResult.Value statement to imitate no returning result in corresponding situations. So better to inherit one of four classes described earlier.

Last updated

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